2023: Advisor to Perseus Mining

US$300m syndicated revolving corporate facility refinancing and upsize

2022: Advisor to Demetallica Ltd

Defence advisor in relation to the unsolicited A$36m takeover by AIC Mines

2022: Advisor to Sibelco

A$49m investment in Diatreme Resources through a private placement and asset joint venture

2022: Advisor to Iluka Resources

Advisor to Iluka Resources on the A$1.25bn financing of the Eneabba Rare Earths Refinery (Phase 3) in Western Australia

2022: Advisor to Crestchic PLC

Advisor to Crestchic PLC on the divestment of the Tasman Group

2022: Advisor to Pembroke Resources

Advisor to Pembroke Resources on the $500m debt financing of the Olive Downs Coking Coal Project in QLD involving NAIF, Commercial Banks and a Nordic Project Bond

2021: Advisor to NSW Government

Advising on the sale of Sydney trains quarry assets

2021: Advisor to Geopacific Resources

Advisor on the US$100m financing package from Sprott (US$85m Project Finance Loan and US$15m Stream) for the greenfield development of the Woodlark gold mine in PNG

2021: Advisor to PYBAR

Advised on the sale of PYBAR Mining Services to Mastermyne for $99m

2021: Advisor to Diversified Minerals

Advised on the A$20m sale of the Henty gold mine in Tasmania to Catalyst

2020: Joint Advisor to Cassini Resources Limited

Joint defence advisor in relation to the A$76m takeover by OZ Minerals

2020: Advisor to Diversified Minerals

Advised on the A$200 sale of the Dargues gold mine in NSW to Aurelia

2018: Advisor to Diversified Minerals

Advised on the $100m financing package (A$74m Project Finance Funding and US$20m Triple Flag Royalty) for the greenfield development of the Dargues gold mine in NSW

2018: Advisor to Explaurum Limited

Defence advisor in relation to the unsolicited A$89m takeover by Ramelius Resources

2018: Advisor to Stanmore Coal

Advised on the acquisition of the $30m Wotonga South coking coal deposit from Peabody Energy

2017: Advisor to Oz Minerals

Advised on the financing strategy for the greenfield development of the Carrapateena copper-gold mine in SA

2017: Advisor to PanAust

Adviser on various corporate mandates

2016: Advisor to Evolution Mining

Advised on the acquisition of the Marsden Project from Newcrest

2016: Advisor to PanAust

Advised on the project refinancing of the Phu Bia Mine (Laos)

2016: Advisor to Troy Resources

Advised on refinancing strategy in Guyana

2016: Advisor to PanAust

Advised on the project financing plan for the Frieda River Project

2016: Advisor to Oil Search

Advised on the development and financing of a greenfield 20MW biomass plant

2016: Advisor to Oz Minerals

Advised on various business development initiatives

2016: Advisor to Diversified Minerals

Advised on the takeover of Unity Mining by Scheme of Arrangement

2015: Advisor to Pybar

Advised on the initial farm-in of Pybar’s interest in the Henty gold mine

2015: Advisor to Discovery Metals

Advised on the restructuring of financing facilities and sale of Boseto Project

2015: Advisor to Diversified Minerals

Advised on the farm-in agreement to acquire 50% of the Henty Gold Project

2015: Advisor to State of Victoria

Advised on commercialisation options for the State’s lignite coal resource

2014: Advisor to State of Victoria

Advised on the Latrobe Valley coal strategy and market sounding strategy

2013: Advisor to Sojitz

Advised on the acquisition of Meteor Downs coal project